/Here is the page that goes along with our online devotional with Pastor Scott called “Resurrection Living”. We hope these online devotionals are a blessing to you! You can find them on Facebook and Instagram.
Here is the page that goes along with our online devotional with Pastor Scott called “Resurrection Living”. We hope these online devotionals are a blessing to you! You can find them on Facebook and Instagram.
MISSION CRITICAL - Sharing Our Faith With Others - WEEK 1 - The Call
KEY TEXT: 1 PETER 3:15 (NLT) - “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.”
-Mission Critical (def.) - a piece that is vital to the functioning of an organization.
-What are the KEY parts of our Christian Faith? What are the pieces and practices that are MISSION CRITICAL?
-Sharing our faith (what we commonly call “evangelism”) might be the piece that you could say “keeps the MISSION in MOTION.”
-It is the vital, driving force that keeps the Gospel (the Good News of Jesus Christ’s death/burial/resurrection) spreading to others who have not received it.
-Evangelism (def.) - the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.
-the statistics tell us that a majority of Christians BELIEVE sharing our faith with others is a vital part of their personal faith, but we’re increasingly unsure of the PRACTICE of actually DOING IT!
SHARE THIS: Like most of the RIGHT things in life, we KNOW we need to do them, but they’re the HARDEST things TO DO!
Ready—but Not Willing—to Talk About Faith - Barna Group February 5, 2019
Almost all practicing Christians believe that part of their faith means being a witness about Jesus (ranging from 95% to 97% among all generational groups), and that the best thing that could ever happen to someone is for them to know Jesus (94% to 97%). Millennials in particular feel equipped to share their faith with others. For instance, almost three-quarters say they know how to respond when someone raises questions about faith (73%), and that they are gifted at sharing their faith with other people (73%). This is higher than any other generational group: Gen X (66%), Boomers (59%) and Elders (56%).
Despite this, many Millennials are unsure about the actual practice of evangelism. Almost half of Millennials (47%) agree at least somewhat that it is wrong to share one’s personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith. This is compared to a little over one-quarter of Gen X (27%), and one in five Boomers (19%) and Elders (20%). (Though Gen Z teens were not included in this study, their thoroughly post-Christian posture will likely amplify this stance toward evangelism.)
2 CORINTHIANS 4:1-7 (NKJV) - (read)
-we have to come to an understanding of our PLACE in this world as believers…we are LIGHT to those in darkness.
-the word LOST should send a shiver down your spine and a powerful thought into your mind that YOU are called to reach the LOST!
-you have the ANSWER, you have the MESSAGE, you have the CURE, you are the LIGHT to this world!
-A common excuse is this, “people just DON’T WANT IT.”
-When asked if they are “curious about what the Bible says” 66% of those polled said they agree. (Barna Reseach)
-that means if you’re at a party with 20 people, 12 of them would be open to talking about the Bible!
-Yet only about 50% of born again Christians say they’ve actively shared their faith with someone in the past year. (Barna Research)
-36% of millennial non-Christians said, “I am interested in learning more about Christianity and what it could mean for my life.”
-If you’re sitting down to lunch with three coworkers or classmates (ages 23-39), at least ONE of them is actually interested in the Gospel and how it could impact their life. If we’re really honest, the other two are interested also, they may be too prideful to admit it.
-Henry Ford once said, 'If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, “A faster horse!”' People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.”
-Part of the human experience is a “SEARCH FOR MEANING” or a deep look within the soul to find their purpose. The natural process of that SEARCH is: 1. Why am I here? 2. I don’t know. But if I knew HOW I got here, I’d have some insight. 3. How did I get here? (how were the worlds formed, where did it all come from, was it accidental or created by intelligent design, God). 4. There must be a God who created the universe. 5. Does He really love me? How can I know this?
-if you never make a million dollars, never own a home, never get married or have children…if you never leave the county you were born in, you would be considered GREAT if you were a SOUL-WINNER!
-winning other souls to Jesus Christ is the highest calling and part of the journey of every believer.
PROVERBS 11:30 (NKJV) - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.
-So let’s get ACTIVE in sharing our stories and struggles, encouraging others to open the Bible with us, winning others to Jesus, and seeing their lives grow in faith.
1. What is stopping me from sharing my faith? Pray against it and declare faith over it: “Lord Jesus, I come against the __________ that is keeping me from sharing my faith and winning souls to you. I declare a new boldness and courage. I am a soul-winner in the name of Jesus Christ!”
2. Be intentional this week about using your time with others to share your story (look for the openings in conversations). Use your social media to share something from church, a Scripture, or an invite. Text or call someone and invite them to coffee/lunch.
We love our middle school and high school students from all around Ventura, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Santa Paula, Carpinteria, Ojai, Camarillo, Calabasas, and beyond Ventura County. This FREE youth event is for them to have a safe, positive place to hang out on the weekend, a chance to win some awesome giveaways (Herschel backpacks, Neff backpacks, gift cards, Curren Caples Flip skateboard, etc.), and hear an inspiring message that can radically change their lives and make an impact in their world for Jesus.
We believe there is more than just another youth group being formed here in Ventura, we believe there is a MOVEMENT of youth who want to see their world impacted by the Gospel. Join us and help spread the word.
Juan H. teaching the Current Youth Movement in Oxnard, CA.
As a new church in Ventura, CA (a church plant started in early 2015) we have intentionally focused on STORIES. In particular, we are focusing on seeing Jesus write incredible stories for people who may not have been writing the best chapters previously.
Juan is one such story (you can see him teaching our Current Youth in the photo above). We started teaching Juan our Starting Point Bible studies before we even had our first Sunday gathering. Without going into all of the details, Juan had been through some tough pages of life and he was wanting to rebound in a big way. He was at a place of going "ALL IN" for Christ. I'll never forget the afternoon when we baptized Juan in the Pacific Ocean in Ventura. I'll never forget the night he received the Holy Spirit. It's been so cool to see the pages unfold in a life when the pen is handed over to the Author.
In the fall of 2015 Juan felt to start a Bible study at his apartment complex in north Oxnard so we discussed some ways of going about this. We had an open house, meet and greet night and a bunch of young people showed up. It was pretty obvious that there was an open door to reach the youth in the area so we started having a weekly Bible study there in Oxnard, CA. The STORY is still unfolding but we've seen these young people touched by the Scripture, we've seen them learn how to pray, how to read their Bibles, and even how to share their faith with others.
What started with one man wanting to turn his life around has turned into a group of 15-20 young people meeting every Wednesday evening to learn about Jesus Christ and now they are turning their lives around. The STORY is where it counts and we value every STORY that God is working in.
P.S. If you feel moved to partner with us financially, we are currently raising funds to purchase a van to transport youth and the disabled to Sunday gatherings, special events, etc. You can read more information just a few blogposts down and you can always click the "GIVE" option up top. Thank you and God bless you, Pastor Scott
One of the best things you can do for Mom (wether she's with you or not) is to be at church. Living a life of purpose and fulfillment will make any mother beam with joy! We are going to celebrate our MOMs this Sunday with a special gathering at our new location and new time. We look forward to seeing you there! #mothersday #mothersdayventura #coastchurch #ccventura #belongbelievebecome #weloveventura #jesuslovesventura #mom #moms #momlife #christianmoms #faithhopelove #ventura #vta #805 #805community
Two HUGE announcements happened yesterday at Coast (we hope you didn't miss it). Starting May 8th, we will no longer be holding our Sunday Gathering at 4:00pm and we will no longer be meeting at 4300 Telegraph Rd. Ventura, CA. We will be meeting at a new location and a new time. Coast Church is getting ready for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we have been praying about and we're ready to see Jesus touch broken lives and put them back together. If you're looking for purpose, a place to BELONG, BELIEVE, and BECOME...join us at our new location and let the future of your story begin. Onward, upward.
There are TWO reasons that you should be at Coast Church this Sunday: ONE: Pastor Jerry Menchaca (Santa Barbara, CA) will be joining us at our 4:00pm gathering and bringing a message of hope from the Scripture. He will also be sharing some of personal story of a life filled with a broken home, drugs, gangs, prison, and how the Gospel of Jesus Christ impacted him and put him on the ASCENT! TWO: this may be our last Sunday at our current facility on Telegraph Rd. We are still working out all of the details and hope to bring some big news soon. Hope to see you there: 4:00pm Sunday at 4300 Telegraph Rd. Ventura. for more info. #belongbelievebecome #coastchurch #ccventura #vta #ventura #weloveventura #jesuslovesventura #faithhopelove #timetoascend #venturachurch
Last night a 24 year old young man was stabbed to death in North Oxnard, in a neighborhood that Coast Church Ventura has established a Community Group Bible study geared towards young people. Our hearts are absolutely burdened by the loss and we mourn the loss. Yet there is a holy angst that is rising within us to DO MORE, to make a DIFFERENCE in this community.
It may sound crazy, that a new church in Ventura (which is just getting started) would be reaching out to a community in Oxnard, but we believe that usually the crazy ideas are the ones which God is right in the middle of (think: David and Goliath).
We know there are mega-churches around but NOBODY has reached the kids we are reaching in this neighborhood and we see a great need to shine the light of the Gospel to them. Our prayer is that God would continue to use us to reach this dark world and shine brighter than ever before. The bad news is that this junk is happening...THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT YOU CAN HELP! LET'S MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN VENTURA AND OXNARD!
How can you help?
-Join the Coast Church team!
-Host a Coast Community group or volunteer to help with one that is going.
-Donate to our fundraiser to purchase a van to pick-up kids in this area for youth events, church gatherings, camps, etc.
-Donate snacks, drinks, school items, etc. to be used in our Coast Community group in N. Oxnard.
What has been a "built up frustration" in 2015 and what are you planning on doing in 2016 to overcome it? Tune in next week (or better yet, join us on Sunday at 4:00pm in Ventura, CA) to see how one Bible story shows us how we can grow BETTER instead of BITTER.
The senseless. How do you make sense of it? I believe that this very question is the answer that explains much of the talk you're hearing on social media, at the coffee shop, and the water cooler today. We live as human beings who seek to compartmentalize everything and find answers to the most senseless and vile acts of humanity. When we come up with an answer or try to "make sense" within the first few hours of a tragedy, we typically miss the mark.
I watched within minutes (not hours) as desperate souls beat the air for answers, for "sense", today. They blamed white militia, Islam, workplace violence, drug cartels, guns, and even the mentally disabled for the tragedy. As soon as political candidates began to make statements it all hit the fan. The NY Daily News let us know emphatically that, "GOD ISN'T FIXING THIS" and apparently rebuked several politicians for praying for the families of the victims (I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is a first). ISIS isn't claiming responsibility but they're taking to the interwebs to glorify the fact that Americans have been killed. Then, in the fray, the average and sensible American searches to make "sense" out of this tragedy. Like a child in the middle of a domestic dispute, amidst the yelling/screaming/fighting we sit down and weep over the tragedy but even more so we weep over the lack of "sense" that is to be found in it all.
The "sense" cannot be found. I would imagine that we'll find a motive, we'll find some of the issues that led up to this act of evil but will that "make it all make sense?" I doubt it. What does make sense is that our world is in terrible shape and people are hurting. What does make sense is that we have a heart problem in our nation. What does make sense is that there are many who have never seen good or known it, so they turn to evil.
What does make sense is to "overcome evil with good." What does make sense is to "love your neighbor." What does make sense is to "be a peacemaker." What does make sense is...wait...yes, what makes sense is that we may not have all the answers or be able to make sense of senseless acts, but the messages of truth that Jesus Christ spoke over 2000 years ago are still ringing true today!
I re-read Jesus' Sermon on the Mount this evening as I processed and unpacked my emotions from a very tense, emotional day. What unfolds in Matthew 5-7 is absolutely the most relevant answer for the world today. IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES SENSE!
What would it look like if this "Christian Nation" started acting like "Christians." What would it look like if we started following this Sermon on the Mount that our fearless Leader Jesus Christ left for us in the pages of the Scripture. We need an awakening, a revival, of true love and compassion! The kind of love that drives us to pray for those who carry out evil acts and the kind of compassion that wins over the most hardened of hearts. Some scoff and say it can be done. The spirit of cynicism and criticism creeps in and tells us that it will never happen in our day and age. But I still believe in the Word of a loving Savior. I still believe there is power in that Word! Let us bind together and know this: there are still a few things that DO MAKE SENSE. -Pastor Scott
The blank looks and the silence in the room was my first indication that we were in the right place. The question was asked, "what are your dreams in life" and the silence was deafening. One of the older boys stepped up and said, "to get a job and pay the bills." I'll never forget the first night of our Youth Bible Study in North Oxnard at that apartment complex. I can never put that visceral silence of "youth without dreams" away from my thoughts as we endeavor to reach out to a community that needs the light of the Gospel.
It started with a group of 13 young people hanging out at our BBQ and now we're seeing a group form that is hungry for something real in their lives. We're in need of a church van to transport the group to our Sunday gatherings, to community outings, to events, and also to provide others with a ride who do not have transportation. In the near future we will begin a program called "LIFE - Life in Focus Education" that teaches life skills, gang intervention, drug/alcohol rehab, parenting, anger management, etc. We want to be able to offer transportation to these classes as well.
When I read the headlines on KVTA's Facebook page this morning about a homicide in a public park in Oxnard (less than one mile from the apartment complex we have our group at) my heart hurt but I also felt a glimmer of hope for the future. Knowing that we're shining light into the darkness is the solace we have when facing the daunting task of reaching an area where this kind of tragedy is the norm.
A safe, reliable, used 15 passenger van will cost between $20-30,000 if we were to purchase from a dealer. We have a contact who is a wholesale broker and can get us a $20-30k van at roughly $15k and is agreeing to do so at no charge to our church.
Christmas is a tough time on the pocketbooks of most people but it is also a time when miracles happen and when great causes see great support. We realize that this idea represents more than a van, it represents hope for a community, it represents future represents DREAMS in hearts of children who have NO DREAMS. Would you partner with us today? We appreciate your prayers and support! -Pastor Scott
P.S. We have room for several business/corporate sponsors to have their company logo on the back of our van. Do good and advertise all around Ventura, Oxnard, etc.!
In a box? You probably got into that box thinking it was something else right? Isn't it ironic how the world works? Materialism starts out as a way to enjoy your hard earned money, then it becomes a box as it grows old. Casual drug use or binge drinking? It starts out with "just" one night or "I need to clear my head" and then it boxes you in. Depression, anxiety, bitterness, competitiveness, low self-esteem were not the goal in the beginning but they become the box in the end. Things in this world will try to box you in, Jesus came to make you free! We're starting a new series of messages this Sunday at Coast Church called, "Step Up and Step Out." Don't wait until January to make a change, to challenge yourself, get a jumpstart with a message of encouragement this Sunday at 4:00pm at 4300 Telegraph Rd. Ventura. #stepupandstepout #faith #coastchurch #ccventura #belongbelievebecome #venturachurch #ventura #vta #venturachurches #weloveventura #jesuslovesventura #acts238
A place for Ventura, CA, the surrounding coastal communities and the world to connect with a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led church community called Coast Church Ventura. A place for us to share the Gospel and keep people updated with everything happening at our community of faith. Coast Church Ventura. A place for people belong, believe, and become.