STORIES from the Coast
/Juan H. teaching the Current Youth Movement in Oxnard, CA.
As a new church in Ventura, CA (a church plant started in early 2015) we have intentionally focused on STORIES. In particular, we are focusing on seeing Jesus write incredible stories for people who may not have been writing the best chapters previously.
Juan is one such story (you can see him teaching our Current Youth in the photo above). We started teaching Juan our Starting Point Bible studies before we even had our first Sunday gathering. Without going into all of the details, Juan had been through some tough pages of life and he was wanting to rebound in a big way. He was at a place of going "ALL IN" for Christ. I'll never forget the afternoon when we baptized Juan in the Pacific Ocean in Ventura. I'll never forget the night he received the Holy Spirit. It's been so cool to see the pages unfold in a life when the pen is handed over to the Author.
In the fall of 2015 Juan felt to start a Bible study at his apartment complex in north Oxnard so we discussed some ways of going about this. We had an open house, meet and greet night and a bunch of young people showed up. It was pretty obvious that there was an open door to reach the youth in the area so we started having a weekly Bible study there in Oxnard, CA. The STORY is still unfolding but we've seen these young people touched by the Scripture, we've seen them learn how to pray, how to read their Bibles, and even how to share their faith with others.
What started with one man wanting to turn his life around has turned into a group of 15-20 young people meeting every Wednesday evening to learn about Jesus Christ and now they are turning their lives around. The STORY is where it counts and we value every STORY that God is working in.
P.S. If you feel moved to partner with us financially, we are currently raising funds to purchase a van to transport youth and the disabled to Sunday gatherings, special events, etc. You can read more information just a few blogposts down and you can always click the "GIVE" option up top. Thank you and God bless you, Pastor Scott