COAST GROUPS - Small Groups, Bible Studies in Ventura County


Have you ever had a group of people around you that are supportive, loving, and truly accept you for who you are? THAT is what a COAST GROUP is and we’re so thrilled to be launching SEVEN groups this week and next in Ventura County.

Coast Groups are held all throughout the county, they meet in homes, in coffee shops, etc. and anyone can join. We have ladies groups, student groups, young adults, families, etc. The goal for our groups is to simply have a place where we can come together in true community and talk about our faith in Jesus Christ. You don’t have to have it all together, you don’t have to know a lot about the Bible, just be YOU!

If you’d like to join a Coast Group or you’d like more information please email us at or text us at 805-215-3558

MISSION CRITICAL - Part 1 - Notes from our Midweek Series on Evangelism and Outreach

reaching ventura community

MISSION CRITICAL - Sharing Our Faith With Others - WEEK 1 - The Call

KEY TEXT: 1 PETER 3:15 (NLT) - “Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.”

-Mission Critical (def.) - a piece that is vital to the functioning of an organization.

-What are the KEY parts of our Christian Faith? What are the pieces and practices that are MISSION CRITICAL? 

-Sharing our faith (what we commonly call “evangelism”) might be the piece that you could say “keeps the MISSION in MOTION.”

-It is the vital, driving force that keeps the Gospel (the Good News of Jesus Christ’s death/burial/resurrection) spreading to others who have not received it.

-Evangelism (def.) - the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.


-the statistics tell us that a majority of Christians BELIEVE sharing our faith with others is a vital part of their personal faith, but we’re increasingly unsure of the PRACTICE of actually DOING IT! 

SHARE THIS: Like most of the RIGHT things in life, we KNOW we need to do them, but they’re the HARDEST things TO DO! 

Ready—but Not Willing—to Talk About Faith - Barna Group February 5, 2019
Almost all practicing Christians believe that part of their faith means being a witness about Jesus (ranging from 95% to 97% among all generational groups), and that the best thing that could ever happen to someone is for them to know Jesus (94% to 97%). Millennials in particular feel equipped to share their faith with others. For instance, almost three-quarters say they know how to respond when someone raises questions about faith (73%), and that they are gifted at sharing their faith with other people (73%). This is higher than any other generational group: Gen X (66%), Boomers (59%) and Elders (56%).

Despite this, many Millennials are unsure about the actual practice of evangelism. Almost half of Millennials (47%) agree at least somewhat that it is wrong to share one’s personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith. This is compared to a little over one-quarter of Gen X (27%), and one in five Boomers (19%) and Elders (20%). (Though Gen Z teens were not included in this study, their thoroughly  post-Christian posture will likely amplify this stance toward evangelism.)

2 CORINTHIANS 4:1-7 (NKJV) - (read) 

-we have to come to an understanding of our PLACE in this world as believers…we are LIGHT to those in darkness. 

-the word LOST should send a shiver down your spine and a powerful thought into your mind that YOU are called to reach the LOST! 

-you have the ANSWER, you have the MESSAGE, you have the CURE, you are the LIGHT to this world! 


-A common excuse is this, “people just DON’T WANT IT.”

-When asked if they are “curious about what the Bible says” 66% of those polled said they agree. (Barna Reseach)

-that means if you’re at a party with 20 people, 12 of them would be open to talking about the Bible! 

-Yet only about 50% of born again Christians say they’ve actively shared their faith with someone in the past year. (Barna Research)

-36% of millennial non-Christians said, “I am interested in learning more about Christianity and what it could mean for my life.” 

-If you’re sitting down to lunch with three coworkers or classmates (ages 23-39), at least ONE of them is actually interested in the Gospel and how it could impact their life. If we’re really honest, the other two are interested also, they may be too prideful to admit it. 

-Henry Ford once said, 'If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, “A faster horse!”' People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.” 

-Part of the human experience is a “SEARCH FOR MEANING” or a deep look within the soul to find their purpose. The natural process of that SEARCH is: 1. Why am I here? 2. I don’t know. But if I knew HOW I got here, I’d have some insight. 3. How did I get here? (how were the worlds formed, where did it all come from, was it accidental or created by intelligent design, God). 4. There must be a God who created the universe. 5. Does He really love me? How can I know this? 


-if you never make a million dollars, never own a home, never get married or have children…if you never leave the county you were born in, you would be considered GREAT if you were a SOUL-WINNER!

-winning other souls to Jesus Christ is the highest calling and part of the journey of every believer. 

PROVERBS 11:30 (NKJV) - The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.

-So let’s get ACTIVE in sharing our stories and struggles, encouraging others to open the Bible with us, winning others to Jesus, and seeing their lives grow in faith. 


1. What is stopping me from sharing my faith? Pray against it and declare faith over it: “Lord Jesus, I come against the __________ that is keeping me from sharing my faith and winning souls to you. I declare a new boldness and courage. I am a soul-winner in the name of Jesus Christ!”

2. Be intentional this week about using your time with others to share your story (look for the openings in conversations). Use your social media to share something from church, a Scripture, or an invite. Text or call someone and invite them to coffee/lunch. 


The Coast House has been FULL in so many ways lately. Full of people, full of the Holy Spirit, and full of a hunger for more of God! We’re seeing some lives changed, transformed into something truly beautiful.

There are a lot of great things coming up (Resurrection Sunday, Coast en Español, Youth Rally in May, Full Bible study course on Midweek) but we don’t want to rush past what God is DOING right here and now. We’d love for you to be a part of it, actually, we’ve been praying for you to be a part of it. What’s stopping you?


Why They Chose Coast (some thoughts from one of our members)


This is an original post from Brandon & Jamie on their Facebook and it quickly became popular, received hundreds of likes and numerous shares. We felt that since it struck a chord with so many people there, we should share it here for others to read (with permission from the author of course).

Maybe you’ve asked the question, “why would someone go to a new, small church when they could go to a big one that has better music, programs, and is more polished/professional?” We don’t have all the answers to that but here is an answer from one of our members who had the same question.

Hey FB this is Brandon. You know I don’t get on here unless there is a story to be told and this one will be a little long but I believe it’s worth the read. (otherwise I wouldn’t have taken the time to write it... twice) SO let’s just jump right in


Most everyone who knows me knows that I grew up at First Pentecostal Church in Pensacola, FL. FPC is a fairly large church so naturally as the Navy moved Jamie and I around the country we looked for churches that were like what we grew up in. The one thing they all had in common (Besides being UPC).  Size. 


When we got stationed here in California we visited the churches that would typically fit us. We soon found out that search was futile, but I’ll get to that later.  As we went from church to church we just didn’t get the feeling like we belonged anywhere. It wasn’t because the Holy Ghost wasn’t present or that the people were unfriendly, because we went to some really nice places that we thought could be it.  It was more like we got the feeling that GOD was just saying… Nah… This ain’t it. Keep looking.


So keep looking we did and during our search we came across Coast Church.  Sunday comes and we punch in the address, but when we get there it looks like it’s in an abandoned warehouse. I’m getting ready to keep on driving because, let’s be serious I’m not trying to become someone’s blood sacrifice at some cult service in a warehouse. But Jamie, being the ever adventurous one, was like “Well, we drove all the way over here might as well check it out”.  So I huff loudly as I back into a spot close to an exit just in case we have to make a quick escape. Check my CCW pistol… Locked and loaded… Take a deep breath… think to myself remember the details on the way in so you know how to get out!


We walk inside and the music was instantly recognizable as was the worship.  So with that putting me at ease we walked into the sanctuary. It was really nice and the praise was so powerful you could feel it. But we there was a “small” problem.  It was well… Small (pun intended). There were all of 10 adults there including us. So Im thinking to myself kinda telling GOD… You see GOD, Jamie and I just aren’t comfortable in a small church. Both of us have always been part of larger assemblies so “small" just isn’t going to work for us ok? Soooo we are gonna keep looking.  Except during the next week neither one of us could shake the feeling like GOD was saying NOPE… Sorry guys, this is it.  This is where you are supposed to be.  So after a little struggle and a lot of prayer we decided to make Coast our home away from home. 


Some of you may be aware that the cost of living out here in California is a little ridiculous. To put it into perspective. Single wide mobile homes on a lot in a park START OUT at $200K. So it should be no surprise to find out a church with just a few members was sharing a building with another church.  This other church however was Trinitarian and while for the most part they were friendly, we did have things we didn’t really agree on.  One Sunday we came in to all kinds of pictures and art put up all over the sanctuary and it didn’t exactly jive with the Apostolic doctrine. So asking if we could cover it or take it down for our services coupled with a few other small disagreements started a rift that culminated in them asking us to find a new place to worship by the 1st of the year.  The only problem with that is, it was already Thanksgiving which left us basically a month to figure something out. That service we sang a song of faith called Made a Way.  The lyrics say “when our backs were against the wall and it looked as if it was over.  You made a way.”


Well we started looking for other buildings but everything kept falling through. Jan. 1 came and we were basically on the street. Bouncing around from one community center to the next and watching the attendance seemingly drop to nothing. It was honestly starting to look as if it really were over. That’s when a store front opened up. I mean it’s right next to a laundry mat and a liquor store. Not exactly an ideal location for a church but hey it’s a place and it would be our own.


Now that we have our building we run into a new problem.  We have to turn a store into a church.  It requires an entire renovation on the inside that was going to cost almost everything the church had and not only that we would still have to furnish it.  Now I don’t know if I mentioned it or not but we are a small church.  How in the world are we even going to do all this?  Spoiler alert… WE aren’t. We have to let go and let GOD.


Now with the time difference between Pensacola and Ventura I can still live stream most of the FPC services. While watching one night I got to wondering what happened to the chairs that used to be in the choir loft at FPC. So I asked my dad to talk to Pastor Kinsey and see if maybe they had them in a closet or storage somewhere and if so maybe he would be willing donate them. Because just the choir loft chairs would be plenty enough for our church. Pastor Kinsey instead of donating some old used equipment responded a few weeks later with a check that completely covered our renovation costs. Our Coast family was blown away and SO very grateful for the generosity of a church that was 2000 miles away on the complete other side of the country. A church I have been proud to call home since birth. By the grace of GOD, it wasn’t just FPC but people from all over started donating. Some people who were not even Christians but saw what we were doing and said they just felt compelled to give. Words just cannot express how big a move of GOD this was nor how thankful we are to everyone.


Now remember I said I would come back to the folly that is finding a church to fit you? That’s is probably one of the biggest mistakes we run into.  You see, you need to fit where GOD wants you, not the other way around. When you try to do it your way it will only end up in failure.  For us it was an exercise in growth. There is a certain amount of comfort that comes with being part of a large church.  You know when they say "Hey we need a someone to lead the choir” someone else will step up and do it.  Or “We need a Sunday school teacher” someone else will step up. Or “Hey we need to move all this stuff for the church” someone else will DEFINITELY step up for that one.  In a large church I don’t really need to do much of anything and I can be comfortable because someone else will do it. Up until this point I could live with the excuse that someone else will do it. There is this thing with small churches though… Surprise, surprise, there is no one else.  If you don’t help, then there really isn’t anyone else. Almost as if GOD purposely pulled us out of our comfort zone and said “Now if not you then who?”


Easter Sunday was set as the day we wanted to have our first service in our new building. So last Saturday morning we meet down at the church to hand out fliers and invite as many people as possible to the service. Jamie and I spent a couple of hours doing that and I could count on my fingers how many times I have done that before… if I had no fingers. Afterward we stayed until 10pm hanging lights, door knobs, shelves, installing towel holders and soap dispensers. All these things that typically "someone else” would have done. 


We started our first service at our new location in the same manner we ended with at our last location.  Singing “YOU MADE A WAY! When our backs were against the wall and it looked as if it was over, YOU made a way, and we’re standing here only because you made a way!!!” Make a way he did, Easter Sunday was a massive success. We had 40+ people at each service and then again this week we had over 50.  But the thing is most of them were new people who just came for Easter service.  Suddenly it turns out the same spot I thought was far less than ideal to us to put a church…  GOD says… “Nah, see that’s EXACTLY where I wanted it.” The amount of people who walk past then stop and ask about it is amazing.  I’ve never heard so many people say “I’m really glad a church is going in here”. So after all the doubts and reservations I had now I’m really starting to believe that anything is possible.  Now I’m just waiting for the person walking to the Liquor store who is empty inside going to try to fill the void with Fireball liquor to stop here first and get filled instead with the Holy Ghost and fire. I BELIEVE THAT IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN!


I know this was really long (thanks for staying with me!) but I really felt like it needed to be told in its entirety. There are two very important lessons I learned along the way that I would like to impart with everyone.  The first is be ever vigilant of complacency.  It’s the #1 Killer in Naval Aviation. Every day our maintenance control warns us about the dangers of it and to keep your head on a swivel. Complacency KILLS! But wouldn’t you know it the Bible also warns us that it’s just as dangerous in the church house. We are warned by the attitude of the church of Laodicea. Never let complacency set in, otherwise you may find yourself just going through the motions and thus spewed out of his mouth. Or even worse rocks may just cry out in your place.


The second is a message that Pastor Kinsey preached a little while ago about Shamgar and his oxgoad. The lesson is simply to start now where you are, use what you have, do what you can, and with GOD it WILL WITHOUT FAIL be enough. Coast Church is living proof of that.  Pastor Scott (the pastor here at CC) talked about intimacy with GOD and his blessings this morning. Which made me realize every time I turn around he is blessing us, so much so I literally can’t remember all the blessings. So keep the prayers for us, the city of Ventura, and the nation as a whole coming. Because while churches all over the country are closing their doors, I can’t help but believe that Coast Church in Ventura is just getting warmed up.  I know FPC feels the same way!


FINAL THING I said twice in the beginning because I spent a couple of hours typing this up only to have the FB app force close as I tried to post it and erase the whole thing.  But you know what…  as aggravated as it made me I had time to write it again… SO NOT TODAY DEVIL!!!

COMING UP: Christmas at Coast |||||| the STORY of Christmas

Talented musicians, young people singing Christmas songs, skits, creative media, and special guest: Peter won't want to miss Christmas at Coast this year.  Invite a friend, bring your family, and enjoy a Sunday of celebrating Christmas.

P.S.  Those of you who would like to join us, we are going Christmas caroling on Friday 12/16 at a few convalescent and retirement homes, then we'll be downtown Ventura.  Email/contact for more info.  

WHEN: SUNDAY, 12/18/16, 1:00pm

WHERE: Coast Church - 2734 Johnson Dr. Ventura, CA Suite A

WHO: Open to everyone and FREE to attend.  

Who were the "wise men" and why did they come so far?  How did Joseph feel about his virgin fiancee becoming pregnant?  Why was nobody "that important" there for the birth of the most important man ever born?  

These are some of the things that we will talking about as we read the STORY OF JESUS in an intimate setting on Christmas Eve Eve Eve (better known as the Thursday before Christmas).  Instead of our Coast Groups (small groups Bible study) in Ventura, Oxnard, and Calabasas we will gather at the church to take time and hear the we've never heard it before!  

Let Christ come alive this Christmas, hear the STORY, and be inspired by the MIRACLE that was Jesus' birth in a manger 2000 years ago.  

WHEN: 12/22 at 7:00pm

WHERE: Coast Church Ventura - 2734 Johnson Dr. Ventura Suite A

WHO:  Open to all, bring your friends and family. 

Calabasas Coast Community Group

calabasas church bible study pentecostal spirit filled

Yes, our church is located in Ventura but every Tuesday we gather in Calabasas for a time spent discussing the Bible, answering questions, sharing stories, having community with one another, and enjoying the journey of getting closer to Jesus.  We would love for you to join us.  This week we will be meeting at the Corner Bakery Cafe at the Commons at Calabasas.  We start around 7:30pm and it usually lasts 45 minutes or so.  We would love to see more people who are interested in learning about Jesus, His teachings, the power of the Holy Spirit that was poured out on the Day of Pentecost, and how the Gospel can radically change a life.  If you have any questions, please call or text: 805-215-3558 or email us from the "CONTACT" link above.  Blessings. 

Beach Baptism in Ventura, CA - Coast Church Ventura

We got to gather on the beach for our Sunday gathering a while back and our lovely friend Nena was baptized in Jesus' name for the remission of her sins!  It was truly a joyous occasion and we're looking forward to doing more of this.  Nena is part of our Calabasas Community Group Bible study that meets each week at the Commons in Calabasas on Tuesdays at 7:30pm.  If you're looking for a church community or a Bible study in the Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Agoura, Westlake Village, or Malibu areas we would love for you to join us.  We focus on the relevant, practical Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Feel free to email us, fill out the contact form or call/text 805-215-3558 for more information.  Blessings! 

NEW SERIES STARTING 11/29: Step Up and Step Out

CoastChurch Ventura, CA

In a box? You probably got into that box thinking it was something else right? Isn't it ironic how the world works? Materialism starts out as a way to enjoy your hard earned money, then it becomes a box as it grows old. Casual drug use or binge drinking? It starts out with "just" one night or "I need to clear my head" and then it boxes you in. Depression, anxiety, bitterness, competitiveness, low self-esteem were not the goal in the beginning but they become the box in the end. Things in this world will try to box you in, Jesus came to make you free! We're starting a new series of messages this Sunday at Coast Church called, "Step Up and Step Out." Don't wait until January to make a change, to challenge yourself, get a jumpstart with a message of encouragement this Sunday at 4:00pm at 4300 Telegraph Rd. Ventura. #‎stepupandstepout #‎faith #‎coastchurch #‎ccventura #‎belongbelievebecome #‎venturachurch #‎ventura #‎vta #‎venturachurches #‎weloveventura #‎jesuslovesventura #‎acts238

North Oxnard Community Group - Meet & Greet

We're excited to be adding another Coast Community Group in North Oxnard that will begin meeting weekly November 11th.  To kick things off we'll be having a "Meet & Greet" with a FREE Thanksgiving craft for the kids, FREE hotdogs/chips/drinks and dessert.  It will be an informal, open house format and we welcome you all to get to know us.  RSVP 805-215-3558 (text/call)

-November 11th (Wednesday) 6:00-8:30pm
-Cedar Glen Apartments (main clubhouse)
-701 Aster St. Oxnard
-(hablamos español)

What is a "Coast Community Group?" -These are small groups (up to 18 people) that meet in homes, cafes, parks, and other public places weekly.  We gather together as a group and get to know each other, read from the Scriptures, hear an encouraging/life-giving word, and typically share some snacks.

What other locations do you have?  -Currently we have a group meeting in Ventura on Wednesdays, a student (ages 12-18) group meeting Fridays, a group in Calabasas on Tuesdays, and are always looking to add more groups in locations throughout Ventura County.  

What topics do you cover? -We cover everything from practical, daily living inspiration from the Bible to deeper topics like forgiveness/battling addiction/etc. to basic teaching about salvation/prayer/devotion.  Every group is filled with people who are caring, loving, and free of judgmental attitudes.  

What if we have kids? -Most groups have something for the kids to do and as the groups grow we will begin some short Bible lessons for the kids.  

Any more questions?  Would you like to RSVP?  Feel free to call or text us at 805.215.3558 or email at

The Artisan Soul - A Journey Through God's Call on our Lives to be Creative

Over the past three weeks, we've been discussing what it means to be "An Artisan Soul" and some thoughts from Erwin Raphael McManus' book "The Artisan Soul."  It has truly been an inspiring time as we've uncovered some of the hidden talents/creativity/calling that God has in each of us.  We've learned that a "creative" is not just a person with a passion for art, music, graphic design or photography...but in the soul of every human being is a "creative nature" that God put within each of us.  

So many times we feel that we don't have anything "creative" to contribute to our world and we begin to listen to every voice we've ever heard that tells us "we can't" do something.  The fact is that we are "created in the image of God" and part of that is each of us have a creative side.  Our world has some incredibly large, looming issues to face from pollution, racism, famine, clean water, food shortages, disease, etc. and the only way we're going to be able to see these issues resolved is through creative thinking and creative acting.  God gave us the ability to do this and our prayer these past few weeks is that Christ followers around the world would start realizing the gift of creativity that God has given all of us and start using for good around the world.  It is truly the will of God that we would step up and be cultural influencers, thinking outside of the boxes and rising above the voices that tell us "what we cannot do."  

We have one more week (Wednesday 9/2 at 7:30pm, contact for location details) of our group study in The Artisan Soul and it is going to be awesome.  If you're looking to grow as a Christian, learning more about faith, or simply looking for a place to draw weekly inspiration we would like to invite you to join us at a Coast Community Group midweek gathering.  We meet in houses and places like Chick-fil-A, Coffee Bean, etc. to discuss the Scripture and it's application for our lives.  We hope to see you soon!