Where Do You Go For HOPE?

I've been in the neighborhood around our church, around Ventura College and other parts asking the question "where do you go to find hope and encouragement?"  Most people are almost uneasy answering the question because the thought of "where can I really go to find hope when I'm hopeless" is a tough one.  

When Jesus was crucified and then buried in a tomb, his followers simply didn't know where to go.  They were pretty hopeless.  Three days later Jesus was resurrected and HOPE was evident to all.  HOPE became a brilliant light shining in the darkness and that light still shines today.  

So where do YOU go for hope?  Our goal at Coast Church is that you would be filled with the Spirit of God and thus, filled with HOPE!  We know that family can let you down, friends can let you down, your favorite team can let you down, even church can let you down...but Jesus promised "he will never leave you or forsake you."  When we place our HOPE in Jesus Christ, it does not matter what we face tomorrow for we know that He holds the future and HOPE is alive and well in us.  

I encourage you to look into joining one of our Coast Community Group meetings, attending a Sunday afternoon gathering or filling out the contact page on the website and getting dialed in with a Starting Point Bible Study.  If you have any questions or need prayer/encouragement, our team is here to help.  We love Ventura, CA and want to serve you.  God bless and have an incredible day!  

-Pastor Scott