/Remember when you were a kid and it was all about "getting?" Christmas time, birthdays, etc., all you wanted was to GET. But sometime (hopefully) you began to feel the joy of "giving" and realize that it can surpass the joy of "getting." Generous givers are incredible people to be around and isn't it funny how usually those are the people that don't lack for anything? There's a principle in there somewhere.
Giving is part of who we are as a community. We want to encourage a culture of generosity at Coast Church and show the world Christ's love by giving. In America, especially Ventura, we're immensely blessed with monetary options, with goods, with things, etc. All it takes is a quick look around to see the hurt and the despair that is all around the world. Well guess what, you can do something about it.
Your giving will go all around the world. Coast Church supports various efforts/charities/etc. that help children, troubled youth, prison inmates, new church plants, global missions workers, clean drinking water wells and many others. Your gift will literally go around the world. At Coast Church we want to make it seamless for you to give and support worthy causes, with the click of a button on our "GIVE" page you can get setup to give either a "one time" gift or a "recurring" monthly gift. Your giving is safe and secure, and you'll receive a nice report at the end of the year for tax purposes. We encourage you to start giving and feel that beautiful "joy of giving" that will quickly overwhelm you.
Be blessed, Pastor Scott